Utilize the Simple Writing Techniques to Master Perfection

What exactly do I mean by this statement, “master perfection”?


Let’s take it in two parts by first defining each individual word.

Master means to be the best at something.

Perfection is a state of being that cannot be improved upon.

So in essence, to master perfection means to be the best at your writing niche so that no improvements are possible.

Sometimes simple is better than complicated and this applies to many facets of life or process or material. In this case, we’re referring to writing in simplistic style. This form is a specific technique that is often overlooked. College graduates tend to bring the university mind to the blog page and fill it with prose suited only for those with a doctorate.

This does not compliment the writer.  Unless you intend to speak to college graduates or scholars who possess a doctorate, then you are limiting your audience. This will not benefit you or the readers.

You say you need an example?

Okay, I’'ll show you what I mean.

Let’s say you want to tell your readers about a dress you wore to a special occasion. The dress was a gown, it was purple, floor length and made of silk. The price range was suited to the middle class bracket at two hundred dollars.

Simple description:

I bought a special dress at Macy’s for the occasion. It’s a beautiful floor length purple silk gown that only cost me two hundred dollars.

Now that is simple enough and easy to understand.

Scholarly description:

Academia requires all graduates to attend the laureate ceremonies dressed in university attire classed for the sophisticated aristocrat. Delving beyond my meager means, I secured the most exquisite gown from the couriers favorite clothier located on Fifth Avenue’s elite shop. The sheer fabric defies description as it must have been spun by the endangered jade silkworms of ancient China rendering the material very expensive. Shoes most certainly would not be required yet my tendency towards perfection required me to choose a matching pair. The color matched royalty with a style rivaling the English noble courts.

~ So, did the second description lose you on the main point?

~Do you understand what I am describing when I talk about simple versus complex?

Writers use different styles, varied techniques and different voices in their writing. In order to become a professional writer who is proficient in the art, you need to understand these basic forms so that you can master their simplicity.

We will explore writing techniques, writing styles, simple and complex forms as well as writing voice, tone and audience. All the while, we will strive to “Keep it Simple”.

The Midnight Writer