Let Me Tell you about the Birds and the Bees

And blogging to please the reader as you strive to keep it simple. (I’ve got spring and the things that springtime brings on my mind. Oh, you mean you could tell?!!!)


Hello there. I’m Antoinette and I’ll be your guide for topics related to the birds and the bees and other “creating” references. I’m a woman in business, if you know what I mean, in medieval Paris. I know all there is to know about birds, bees and simplicity.

Take my gown…..oh my, not literally…that comes later at the burlesque dance….for now we are referring to the simple pattern, the way it flows elegantly without a lot of excess material or trimmings to get in the way. (wink.) In black and white it not only matches my hair but is chic and business stylish enough for me to wear for many different occasions.

Now I can’t say that I’m willing to give up my complex hairstyle to become completely simple. After all, a lady has to have some frills, would you agree?

Pardon me ladies and gentlemen. The Midnight Writer is telling me that I stepped a bit far from the topic of this conversation. I apologize for that. It’s the hazard of living for your work, you see. Back to the topic.

Now we were discussing blogging. The objective of this conversation is to discuss more ways to keep it simple and thereby reducing your effort in writing a creative blog, that won’t “tie you down” (pardon the pun, darlings….I can’t seem to help myself…I’ve got my mind on that next appointment.).

Don’t let your blog or your internet business keep you so bogged down that you don’t have a personal life any more.

Can you relate to this?

Let’s take a look at this tendency and see if we can find a solution to please the both of us, shall we?

The birds and the bees contain the secrets to simplicity when it comes to blogging. We are going to explore the chemistry in nature of the birds and the bees to compare how they give us the magic formula after which to pattern our life. This same pattern can be used for successful blogging.

Do you have your tablet ready? You’ll want to take notes. Oh, and bring a note from your parents if you are under 18. This is adult subject matter.

First, we’ll examine the birds and how they co-exist in nature with one another in a simple form of harmony.


Oh, dear me! Pardon me for displaying the wrong bird! This one is a magpie and they are not known for co-existing or for being harmonious. They’re a bit on the rascally side as you’ll find them sneaking into the Twitter birds nest to steal tiny bits of it at a time. Watch out for the Magpie.

In ancient Paris, we made a custard pie and used magpies for the filling. It wasn’t that they tasted so good or anything. The rascals would fly into the pie shells and hide under the crust to eat the pie filling. Often, they would go unnoticed and be baked right into the pie. It was a common dilemma in those times.

You’ve been forewarned. A Magpie does not a Twitter make, though it tries to imitate the twitter bird and tweets almost like one.

The Midnight Writer is flagging me with her waving arms again. She says this post is way too long to be classified as simple, so we need to close this session for now. Don’t worry, I’ll be back next week with the next lesson on The Birds and the Bees of Blogging Ease.

Till then my darling readers, I’ll be dancing at the theatre up town. Come visit me there, will you?


P.S. I’ll be an occasional guest on The Midnight Writer’s blogs so I look forward to making you my friend. Midnight says we have to talk about censoring some of my language. Oh dear!