Miss Angela Will Share her Writing Insight


When Miss Angela lifts her glasses to inspect a writing work, she is doing more than reviewing spelling and grammar. She is looking for the keys to a document’s power.


Did you know that your content articles and blog posts possess a sort of literary power?


It is found in the message that is conveyed.


Now, she is not talking about the length of the article or the spelling or the linguistic finesse. You can use two dollar vocabulary words without invoking power into your article or story. Miss Angela is not all that particular about how you format your paragraphs or what type of paper you use. The ink color has no bearing. Language style does not even matter.


You might be a little confused now, because I just outlined all the principles you’ve been taught to use in quality writing.


Here is the sum of an article’s power…..if it has umph…if it invokes emotion from the reader or grabs their interest so they cannot stop reading until the end, then you have written an article with power.


Let us examine this technique together and discover how to be a power blogger.


Miss Angela will be guiding us through these lessons right here on Keep It Simple, so be sure to come back for the first lesson. If you want to receive regular updates, then sign up for the rss feed. I update about once a week currently, but that will be increasing in the near future to two or three times per week.


Till we return, keep on blogging. Leave a comment and tell me what your passion is in writing.


The Midnight Writer