Stop the Killing of Wild Mustangs

Facebook Group STOP the Killing of Mustangs! STOP Janna Bullock! JOIN US!

The wild mustang is a legendary symbol of America's freedom but today they are losing their freedom and their lives. These magnificent creatures need your help today so visit the Facebook site to find out how you can join thousands in the fight to protect one of God's creatures. Big money is being paid to hunters who go out by car and helicopter to kill the wild mustangs. Guns are not used in the slaughter because the hides have to kept in the best condition so they can be sold for leather art. News about this tragedy is spreading across the internet quickly so wild mustang advocates are asking for your help in getting the word out. The Facebook group is asking people to join the thousands already working to save these symbols of America's legacy. Please do what you can to help. Visit the group to find out more. Be sure to view the photos and videos on Facebook and you will understand the urgency.

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The Midnight Writer